Archive Gallery

Please note this gallery is no longer being updated. Some of these artworks are available please contact me for more information. My recent works are availabe on: Current Artworks Galleries


Erotic short stories, original artworks and links to my favourite online erotica.


She had the saddest eyes in the universe.  Haunted. Defeated. Eyes that feared closing, that dreaded closing.

I sat next to her on a park bench one afternoon.  It was a few weeks after Martha had gone, three years ago now.  I may still have a fair amount of life ahead of me but were I to pick a saddest moment, a low point, it would be that afternoon sitting on the bench.  I was no longer angry that Martha had taken the house. Or our friends, our shared friends really were her friends, and my friends didn't live in London.  It didn't help that I had nobly quit my job so we didn't have to work together. I was not yet at the point of making new plans, I was a long way from making new plans.... Read more...

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