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All good things

All things end, not just good things, but they seldom end in a full stop.  Laughter doesn't end when you stop laughing at the joke, you still think about the joke later and smile, or maybe even make it your own and tell it to a friend.  But at some point in the future I may ask: do you remember that joke, and you will say, oh, I haven't thought about that joke for years.  And that is the point you realise you have passed the ending, you passed it some time ago.  All things end, but, unlike life, when telling the story of life we choose when that ending is going to happen, and usually we choose the happy ending as that is the nice ending to look back on.  But any ending will do.

Judging covers
It is just wrong, both about books and as a...

March 24
March is here today and today is the first...

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