Artworks on Etsy

I sometimes select artworks I am proud of for sale on Etsy. These are small works inspired by the use of images, patterns, symbols and text on social media and in current events. These works allow me to deliver #affordableart.

Watercolour and ink on paper

Wooden Mask II

Thursday #PortraitChallenge #watercolour and #inkdrawing of Wooden mask, carved by an unknown artist in southeast Nigeria sometime before 1950 Thank you @RAMMuseum and @StudioTeaBreak

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Jules Artvan

Original artworks in watercolours, ink and pen.


Quick small works usually in watercolour or ink with pen and pencil.  My art explores ideas, returning to previous works to develop ideas over time.

I am inspired by the use of images, patterns, symbols and text in social media as well as in reporting current events.

I post most of my daily sketches on eBay, view my latest works for sale.

I hope you enjoy browsing through my works.




art on eBay
art on eBay

art on Etsy
art on Etsy

politic and mayhem

lockdown art

isolation papers

emotional journeys


another head

totally naked baby


Locked In


other peoples art

and other words

invasive patterns

of nature

muted models

kiss touch

art journal


abstracted crowd

pinched in places


50 fifties

Light Reading

The Fates

all artworks
all artworks
